I hear Mayo is a common ingredient.
How can I make my hair healthier without using any store-bought products? Anything I can make at home?
Coconut Oil - A Healthy Solution For Hair And Skin Care
For Hair Care
* Add a teaspoon of camphor to 1/2 a liter can of coconut oil. Store it. Massage this oil on your scalp before going to bed.
* This would help you get rid of dandruff
* A mixture of castor, mustard and coconut oil massaged on your scalp can help you with dandruff problems
* One part lemon juice with two parts coconut oil to be massaged to the roots of your hair to ward of dandruff problem
* Hair loss problem can be solved by massaging coconut or almond oil for 10 to 15 minutes
How can I make my hair healthier without using any store-bought products? Anything I can make at home?
I asked basically the same question. Check out the answers to mine!
P.S. i am doing the olive oil thing.
How can I make my hair healthier without using any store-bought products? Anything I can make at home?
coconut oil..avocadoe ,,,mayonese...
How can I make my hair healthier without using any store-bought products? Anything I can make at home?
Improve your diet! Brewers yeast is good for hair.
How can I make my hair healthier without using any store-bought products? Anything I can make at home?
yes mayo is a very good one....
How can I make my hair healthier without using any store-bought products? Anything I can make at home?
nothing will work without products i ask the same thing and none of it help me a bit... please listen to me ok you need product. so do i .
How can I make my hair healthier without using any store-bought products? Anything I can make at home?
Use one egg yolk, a half a cup of mayonnaise, and a quarter cup of olive oil. mix it all together and just drench you hair. use like a plastic bag to cover it so it doesn't get all over everything and leave it in for about 20 minutes. rinse it out and wash it with a light shampoo and use a light leave in conditioner like Johnson's Detangler for kids. Do this about once a month and your hair should stay healthy. use a leave in conditioner 3 - 4 times a week and u should be on your way. GOOD LUCK!!
How can I make my hair healthier without using any store-bought products? Anything I can make at home?
i knew a girl in school who had long black hair and it was so shiny all the time. i stayed at her house 1 time and she was doing her hair and after she got done washing it she rinsed it in cold water and vinegar and i mean it was very shiny.
How can I make my hair healthier without using any store-bought products? Anything I can make at home?
use egg white and mayonaise it will put a wickd shine on it! plus never use 2 in one conditioners it will do nothing for your hair use seprate but make it the same brand else they will work against each other
How can I make my hair healthier without using any store-bought products? Anything I can make at home?
Eggs, beer.
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